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Demonstration Kits

Trimar software Demonstration Kits enable you to evaluate our software. They include HELP and demonstration data files that have already been set up.  The demonstration data will allow you to explore the many features of each package.  The relevant help information can be accessed at any time by pressing the F1 key. Demo versions of our software cannot be licensed. To download a version that can be licensed, it is necessary to go to the Client Services section of our web site.

PAYMAN incorporates Trimar's solution for Single Touch Payroll. You can either run a full payroll or simply enter 'after the fact' data from another system and simply use PAYMAN to lodge STP.

IMPORTANT: The program that you will download and install is a FULL WORKING COPY (it may not be the most current version). Any limitations are only on volume of work that can be processed and/or the locking of some areas within the software. In some instances, a limitation on mathematical calculations (eg LEASEMAN and FINMAN) has been imposed. These limitations in no way affect your ability to evaluate the software.  Once you have loaded the program and run it, the FIRST thing that you should do is PRINT THE FAMILIARISATION EXERCISE. Where appropriate, this exercise includes a sample data set and has been designed to work within the Demonstration Limitations (data sets may be for past financial years). This exercise will allow you to quickly, easily and accurately evaluate our Software, to determine its suitability to your application.

TO PRINT the FAMILIARISATION EXERCISE - start the PROGRAM , then select Familiarisation exercise from the top of the start screen. (for CASHMAN the familiarisation exercise is under Utilities , also refer to the QUICK START DEMO EXERCISE)

To download the demo versions of our software, please fill in the form below, so that we have your details if required and and to help us answer your questions if you need assistance. Then SUBMIT your details. You will then be taken to another screen where you can choose and then download and install the demonstration software that you wish to evaluate. If you wish, you can copy the downloaded file to transfer to another computer. Running this file will begin the install procedure. When complete, you will have a Trimar icon appear on your screen.

Please complete the following form.  Once complete, click the SUBMIT button to continue with the download.














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